Michael Oakley recreates synthwave with latest LP

      Image credit: Jon Simo

Now wave music can be pretty broad – encompassing a wide range of elements that come together with their electronic backing and create a mesmerising sound. Naturally, it was of particular interest when we stumbled upon Michael Oakley’s recently released album Odyssey which breaks the standard formatting of synthwave while still paying tribute to the genre (albeit in a rather distant way).

Stream / Download Odyssey LP

Even his influences are unique, as he calls upon the likes of George Michael, Sting, Pet Shop Boys, Depeche Mode and Pink Floyd resulting in a unique mix of retro electronic combining elements of rock and pop to create an unmistakable sound. Two songs from the album stand out, as we find ourselves questioning ‘Is There Anybody Out There’ with the focus track of the LP. The other is a track that Michael Oakley has highlighted on his socials, in which he discusses ‘Real Life’:

“Make the most of the short time you’re here on this earth. Cherish the people you love around you. Close doors that no longer lead anywhere, not out of pride or spite, but because they no longer lead you to happiness. Start saying yes more to things and situations where you would normally shy away and say no. You never know where it might take you. The fear of the unknown is usually scarier than the actuality of the outcome you’re most scared of. Most of all though be YOU. In a world where so many people are trying to be someone they’re not just to fit in, we need you to be you and let your light shine. You only get one life being this version of you as far as we know…”

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