Synthesizer music collective SØNTH announce live performance video

On August 19th 2021, the feminist collective SØNTH took over Brorsons Church with synthesizers and visuals during the Sorte Firkant Musikfestival. Now they have released an evocative live video, which captures the most beautiful moments of the evening.

This February, the feminist synthesizer collective SØNTH shared a live video from “SØNTH presents” in Brorsons Church during the Sorte Firkant Musikfestival. In the video, you can see the highlights from the concerts of the four female artists, ALOO, Cecilie Penney, Excelsior and Rome in Reverse accompanied by beautiful analog visuals created by SLØR (My Lambertsen). The video was created by video producer Søren Gemmer.

SØNTH presents” was curated by SØNTH‘s two regular artists, Cecilie Penney and ALOO (Sofie Søe), who in addition to their common love for synthesizers also aim to help create equality in the music industry. The purpose of the evening was to focus on Copenhagen-based female artists, who all have the synthesizer in focus.

“As the sunset, the light and vibe also changed in the Brorsons Church with artists performing and exploring several genres and emotions – from experimental synth jazz to a culmination of a techno rave dance party. It was a quite special feeling of togetherness that arose between us artists during the evening because we felt we were creating the show together. I was really surprised by the reactions from the audience and had not expected that they would create a spontaneous dance floor in the church.”ALOO (Sofie Søe) from SØNTH.

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